by Toni Gaines, Certified Personal Trainer
As we enter in the year of 2009 and 2008 becomes more of a distant memory, let’s remember to keep our mental and physical health a priority. It is said the most common New Year resolutions are to: lose weight, start an exercise program, look for a better job, make a resolve to make more money, or quit smoking to name a few. To truly be successful with any resolution(s) it is going to take something that some of us, including me, don’t do….write our goal(s) down and create a plan of attack. Don’t get me wrong…it is great to speak your desires into the universe and express what you want to your friends and family, but to be remain focused you need to write your “wildest dreams” down on the white stuff called paper. When you do this, you have something concrete to look at and focus on daily. It’s like starting a business. The business takes up almost every ounce of who and what you are because you are constantly thinking about how to
make it successful.
Although in 2009 some of the goals you desire will come to past you still may feel somewhat unfulfilled. Why you might ask? Because…. what is needed more often than any thing else is gaining mental, physical and spiritual harmony. The state of being happy can be and is challenging at times, nevertheless we must become determined to surround ourselves with spiritual believing, positive, motivated, goal driven individuals who willing give of themselves freely to aid in the benefit others.
To begin moving toward a peaceful harmony first set aside time to engage in some physical activity. We all need to work off the stresses of daily life. Second, become determined to make better eating choices because Your Life and Livelihood depends on it. Third, but most importantly, spend some quite time alone with the creator in your prayer closet. Don’t just ask that your desires be met but pray that the desires of others be met first. When you begin to do the latter a consistent bases you will grow in ways you never would have imagined. Sometimes you have to stop focusing on your needs and begin to focus on the needs of those whom you can not see. It is hard to ask the creator to allow persons whom you do not know to bear fruits of prosperity; placing their prosperity before your own. However, some of the breakthroughs you seek in 2009 may be dependent upon your willingness to become less self-centered, while becoming more compassionate, empathetic and sympathetic to the needs others.
So in 2009 remember to write down your goals, pray for others more than you pray for yourself and set aside time to be good to your body, mind and soul at least three times per week through exercise. Doing these things may not be easy nonetheless; “The Good Life” as sung by Kanye West may be dependent on what you do.
Toni Gaines, Certified Personal Trainer
All About The Fitness
(214) 546-8168
The dictionary morphs
9 years ago