Friday, July 18, 2008

10 Simple Ways To Improve Your Self Esteem Now

One of the most problematic issues facing many of us, is issues on self-esteem. For many of us, all you can think about is not feeling good enough, not being tall or short enough, not being dark or light enough, or not having longer or straighter hair.

Fact, low self-esteem can keep you from stepping out into the world and claiming what is rightfully yours. Here is my list of 10 ways to reclaim and improve your self-esteem.

1. Remove or limit negative and/or cynical people (or make their access to you more difficult)

2. Replace them with people who are positive and influential. (This is where your discerning eye will have to take over, there are tricky ones out there)

3. Look at your good qualities, remind yourself of them daily

4. Learn how to accept constructive criticism and make necessary changes, but remember, no one is perfect.

5. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT compare yourself to anyone else. (I remember doing this during my divorce, it played a significant role in the delay of my healing process)

6. Accept the fact that life has ups and downs, it is important to just keep going.

7. Take care of your body and grooming, this will help you to feel more confident when around others.

8. Relax and learn to listen and observe others without being biased, you will feel more confident when dealing with people if you have an unbiased view.

9. Stand up for yourself when being disrespected, Do not allow anyone to violate your rights. I don't mean pick a fight, just kindly let them know "I see you, do you see me,... now let's get on the same page"

And finally,

10. Make it your own personal learning journey, no one can tell you exactly how to go about improving your self esteem, however, if you make it a journey for yourself, it will become an enjoyable experience.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Inspirational Poetry by Kimberly Edge

Never Lose Yourself
by Kimberly Lanell Edge

Never let them drift away in a whirl of wind
The dreams and goals, aspirations, you
Through my eyes, talent left to rot is a sin
Determine we must our lives, a clue

There are many talent-filled, but shiftless
Knowledge abounds, the potential, but trapped, forsaken
Obstacles, low self esteem, the plagues, one
Not I, I declare, not a piece but the pie I have taken

Your foundation, your chance that foot in the door, you must create
When an opportunity knocks, rend the door from its hinges
Never lose the faith that carries you, never wait
Perhaps I am extreme, one of the few, one of the fringes

Let us hasten together through the narrow opening, I transmit
Let us, not just I, remember the rest, fulfill the ultimate
I am only sure of one truth, my destiny
And as I rise, you shall rise with me.

Kimberly L. Edge

For more visit:

Thank you for allowing me to post Kimberly :)

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