What did you expect from me?
I've already told you what I can not be.
But what I will always be is...
The love you could not reach,
The lesson you could not teach,
The problem you can not solve,
and the issue you can never resolve.
I will always be
The best sex you never had
The never happy, always sad or mad.
The time you could not keep
and the dead weight when you try to take a leap
of faith....
I'v already shown you what I can not be
and what your expectation mean to me
I will always go against your grain
just to cause you pain
Yes, I have made you my nemesis, I don't know why
and If you asked me, I could not lie
So what what did you expect from me?
I have told you before to just let me be me.
The dictionary morphs
9 years ago