Monday, August 18, 2008

Take A Step Forward

Doing the same thing expecting different results is simply insane. Think about it, one single action in your life can make a huge difference in your future. It is impossible to make change without change, just doesn't add up... It is understood that taking action can be difficult, whether it is action that requires your time, effort, or money. But especially when you are not sure if your investment will bring you an immediate or positive outcome. For example, I attended a conference this past without any guarantees or promises. I know that even that small step toward my goals will produce some form of benefit. Don't waste your time focusing on what you can and cannot do, or listening to those who aren't doing anything. Paying something toward your success with action does take effort, but you have the ability to break the cycle of poverty, self- destruction, addiction, etc.. by simply seeking information, making a plan, taking action, and seriously making a decision to stick to it.

1 comment:

Texas Dreamer! said...

Hello again! I love what you're doing on your blog. Keep up the excellent work.

If you're still interested in speaking with me please let me know? I realize it's been a long while since we last contacted each other. I hope all is going well. Take care and I hope to here from you soon. I left you a message on BBWO. Take care!

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