Friday, May 23, 2008

Food for Positive Thought

How many times have we heard about the powers of the mind and how important it is for us to think positive thoughts to reap the rewards of a positive life. I for one am slowly transitioning into a mentality that is not only helping me cope with everyday stress, but it is also helping to change my mind about many of the life situations that could hinder my growth. I believe the mind has the power to heal, but only if you make the decision to change the way you think. I also feel it is important to surround yourself with positive thinkers. When you begin the transition into positive thinker, it may even be necessary to release some relationships to get where you are trying to go in your mind.

Some of the "positive" thoughts I think to myself

You are beautiful, smart, loving, and wonderful
You will be successful
You are a good mother and friend
You will be an inspiration to others
You are not a quiter or a loser

Anyone trying to tell me otherwise. "I'll holla at you."

Think, feel, and say positive things about yourself and see how the world, as you see it, changes overtime. I still have some tough days, days I can't seem to pull it together, but when I come back, I am so happy that I have the ability to do so. Don't allow negative thinking to rob you of your dreams and aspirations in life. Don't allow negative thinking to rule your life.

If I did, I wouldn't be writing this today.

Helpful resource:


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