Monday, January 12, 2009


I always admire women who are able to keep going in the midst of situations they are faced that are painful such as a divorce, death, or loss of a job. We must realize that it is how we respond to the pain that will determine our ultimate outcome. It is easy to get side tracked and lost in the midst of hurting emotions.

Although I do not proclaim to be an expert on dealing with painful emotions, I do speak from experience on how not to deal with them simply because it took bumping my head a few times to realize that perhaps I should try something different.

When dealing with someone or something that is hurting you, don't take it personal but do take immediate action to limit their access to your emotional weaknesses. If the damage is done and you feel you have lost the battle. It is imperative to actively seek avenues for empowerment through positive support systems. Do not allow pain to have power in your life and get in the way of your future.

Healing Resources

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