Friday, May 20, 2011

The Essence of Me

Unpainted toes, earth-tones, and rainbows
a momma’s stare, her coiled hair blows
in the wind…Progression in its most humble form…
She’s weathered the storm.
Emerging to witness her own essence
to some it doesn’t make sense
that she can see through rose colored glasses accompanied by incense.
And now that the smoke has cleared,
moments of peace, love, and laughter have appeared.
She prays, and close she stays, sustained and understands
sweet mists of grace followed by inspiration from above
She carries a heart filled with a “Big Love”
and a tall order to heal and grow…sometimes its slow
but the lessons from being “Open” during her return,
have been learned.
Creating enterprise in “good” faith…as it should be
While present in this blessed moment of her journey
This is the essence of Me(amya).


Anonymous said...

Simply Sensational!!!

nigel green said...

This is one technology that I would love to be able to use for myself. It’s definitely a cut above the rest and I can’t wait until my provider has it. Your insight was what I needed. Thanks

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