Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Official

I have just arrived back from my training at the Green For All Academy in Oakland, CA. I must say, it was a truly extraordinary and inspirational event filled with so much positive energy and love for each other, as individuals, as well as for the planet. I am committed, as a spokesperson to do my part by helping to create and maintain sustainable inner city and impoverished urban communities through green opportunities, healing, and conscious awareness. I will be starting with South Dallas more specifically Oak Cliff. So please be on the look out for information on upcoming events.

By the way, I highly recommend reading "The Green Collar Economy" by Van Jones. This book is honest and true about the issues facing society as it relates to the environment and various inequelities based on socio-economic status. It also gives workable solutions for bridging the gaps in creating a green economy by including "All" people in the movement. Check it out!

Be You... Conscious

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace Meamya: It's a blessing to meet you. I am excited by the good work we will all be doing as Green For All Fellows. Contact me again please. - Leia

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